Brand Vigilance for Unmatched Success
We not only protect your brand from unauthorised use but also enhance its digital footprint, ensuring that your products rank high in Amazon searches. The approach you will experience with us towards Brand and Copyright Protection Service on Amazon is designed to give you peace of mind and a competitive edge, safeguarding your intellectual property while boosting your brand’s presence.
Our Brand and Copyright Protection Services

Amazon Storefront
GTIN Exemption Guidance
Amazon Brand Registry
Combating Counterfeits
Amazon Copyright Infringement
Fixing Brand’s Financial Issues
Reimbursement Issue
Amazon Storefront
With a large catalogue seamlessly organised, your Storefront becomes a powerful tool, establishing credibility and trust. We will be crafting a compelling and organised storefront for your brand, ensuring a trustworthy and immersive shopping experience that resonates with your customers.

GTIN Exemption Guidance
Navigating the complexities of barcodes on Amazon is no easy feat. With years of experience in getting approvals for GTIN exemptions, you will acquire barcodes effortlessly with us. Not only does this save costs, but it streamlines your product listing process. With us, your items will be effortlessly listed without struggling with the purchase of barcodes.
Amazon Brand Registry
If you possess a registered trademark, we will guide you through the registration process, unlocking exclusive privileges and heightened control over your brand’s presence. Work with us to witness a streamlined registration process, ensuring your brand enjoys enhanced protection, recognition, and authority on Amazon.

Combating Counterfeits
Utilising Amazon’s Project Zero can be a powerful defence, allowing proactive monitoring and removal of counterfeit listings. With us, you’ll be guided through the implementation of Project Zero, fortifying your brand against unauthorised usage and preserving its integrity in the marketplace.
Amazon Copyright Infringement Policy
If your listing includes terms violating Amazon’s copyright policies, we’re the masters of swiftly addressing the issue, ensuring compliance while eliminating detrimental keywords. Our extensive experience speaks for itself when it comes to managing Amazon’s Copyright Infringement Policy effectively. You’ll rest assured as we safeguard your listings, ensuring they align with Amazon’s guidelines, appealing to Amazon swiftly and preserving your brand’s reputation.

Amazon Reimbursement Issues
Whether it’s unfulfilled orders, damaged goods, or uncertainty in payments, these reimbursement issues will impact your bottom line. Our clients rest assured that their reimbursement issues are handled successfully by us. With us, your financial interests are safeguarded and a streamlined approach is provided to address and resolve these challenges efficiently.
Fixing Brand’s Financial Issues
Many sellers struggle to pinpoint the sources of their fees and understand their financial reports. With years of experience, we are confident when navigating these financial aspects, offering expertise to break down your Amazon revenue and streamline your financial understanding.